Thursday, December 24, 2009

An Early Chrismas Gift!

On Tuesday afternoon Ian was up and actually dressed and said he was off to the library. About an hour later, he walks in with about 12 inches less of hair!

I screamed, then yelled "Oh my God!" There has been no discussions, no girlfriend telling him it had to go, it was just out of the blue for us. Ian obviously had planned it well in advance.

Here is Ian for the last 5 years...

And on Tuesday.......

I had gotten use to the long hair, clogged drains, and hairs wrapped around the vacuum cleaner belt, but he has such a cute face, I was happy to see it again!

The best gifts of Christmas only cost about 18 bucks at Great Clips!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to ME! :-)

Have a great one!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I know you are all anxiously awaiting my Christmas page, especially since I didn't make one last year. My only regret is that you can't bring into your reading room (bathroom) with you since it's two... two years in one!

Off to Chicago for a quick overnight. Pick up Ian at Purdue on the way, then off to dinner with my brother and two of my sisters to celebrate Christmas, and then lunch the next day with Brian's parents, then home.

Enjoy the Holidays!

....gotta have a picture. How about naked Santa!
Okay you lucked out, I couldnt find where I filed naked Santa, here's an old Christmas Card picture of ours....

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