Friday, May 21, 2010

Around the world with ivmoores!

So tonight I was emailing a friend instructions on how to view her website statistics on her server. So then I thought I should check mine. You find out things like...

All my sites combined got around 185,000 hits this month so far.

My "Painting Kitchen Cabinets" website got 1785 hits since May 1st.

83.9 % of people that visit my sites use a PC.
14 % use a Mac.
1 Hit came from a Nintendo Wii!

As for Browsers........
Browser/Hits No./Percent
MS Internet Explorer No 80528 59.8 %
Firefox No 29412 21.8 %
Safari No 15412 11.4 %
Google Chrome No 6309 4.6 %
Mozilla No 1619 1.2 %

For some reason your front door is on a Russian blog, what the ?????

Okay now this is really odd, here's my front door again on a blog as JC Penney Outlet curtains!

Claire's ring is all over in Germany

Brianna's Bracelet on an Arabic site. I'm hoping this is why I get so much Arabic spam mail, I know I'm being watched by the CIA by now!

Shauna of "Clayton and Shauna" plan on using Claire's Ring for her wedding band, which is very sweet!
(Not to be confused with Shauna '88)

I don't know how this happens, but it's my website on another site.

I also found my jewelry site in some French romance magazine, assorted book clubs all around the world, and on people's blogs, pretty cool!

There's a person out there, on assorted message boards hot linking to a graphic I made. Now, I don't have a problem with her using my graphic, but she posts over all over the place 1,000's of times, so just copy the picture and use it, instead of hot linking and using my bandwidth.

So what I usually do in this case, is just upload a picture with the same name so it replaces the old pic. Right now I'm reading a biography of Heloise and Abelard, so I'm going to replace the Bronze Celtic Circle file with an Abelard file named the same as the Celtic Circle, so whenever she posts Abelard will show, and then I'm guessing she will stop using the link for that picture.

So now when she post it will look like this........

She prolly won't think it's funny, but I do! What is also a bit funny is, Abelard is now on my Outlander site for a bit, till I change that. :-)

I wonder how long till she post on a message board and realizes her (MY) Celtic Circle has been replaced by Abelard. Maybe she will think he's dreamy and keep him!

Watch I know who it is, I will keep you all informed.... like you care! *grin*



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