Friday, September 3, 2010

Some Outlandish Humor....

This will only be funny to Gabaldon fans... unless you are a Gabaldon fan w/o a sense of humor, but I haven't met too many of those.

Every year there's a group of us that get together with DG, and I always try to make a card that pokes fun at the whole Jamie thing. He's not real you know!

Here's a few of them...

This would be the year the movie rights were bought for like the ..... upteenth time...

The year Claire's Ring came to be...

This was the year nothing of DG's was out, so I improvised...

I do think the National Enquirers, are my favorites...

This wasn't a card, but back when I posted the Bdays on LOL, years and years, and even more years ago.

I think this was a card, I'm getting old and you really can't expect me to remember this kind of stuff... or any kind of stuff for that matter.

But this was the card last year.
"An Echo of the Bone" was released...

That's all she wrote, or uploaded! :-)


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