Saturday, June 2, 2007

Blogged Down!

It had to happen, you knew it would...I would blog! It is like the never ending Christmas Letter! How scary is that!

I really wanted to get the links of my Cafe Press store, web sites I've made, You Tubes, and share pictures with family and friends and do it all in one place, and this seemed the best route. Plus I saw someone elses blog with this brown and aged paper template and had to have it! :-)

I spent the majority of the day in the basement. I have been looking for something to make nice cheap headboards for the twin beds there. I finally found something the other weekend at a furniture tent sale. You know the mirrors that fit above dressers, well there are always a bunch of these super cheap, but I could never find two matching. I did this year! You can get a 500 dollar mirror for 47! We had a heck of time hanging them, but finally figured it out and here they are....

This is a great way to get a headboard cheap, I can always take out the mirror and put fabric in there. With no mirror you can attach right to the bed frame.
That's it for now!


Marcie said...

That looks great M! I'm always so inspired by your that a real word? Anyway, kudos! Good job. Come down here and help me! Ok, wait until summer's over, which will be about next Feb.*g*

Marg said...

Welcome to blogging! I've been blogging for a while now and really enjoy it!

BetsyG said...

The page looks great! Verra pretty! I hope Brian is out of the basement and you are outta the doghouse! Worth the effort the mirror/headboards are beautiful!

georgia said...

You continue to amaze me with all your unique talents. You certainly have made alot of people smile with your online ability.
Once again, You make me smile and proud to call you my SISTER!!!


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